Friday, September 10, 2010

casual rocker :D

rocking casual
The weekends are for resting and relaxing. And even though you want to be casual and comfy, you still want to look good! This article will tell you how.


  1. 1
    Attempt to look stylish, even on the weekends. Get rid of the "it's the weekend, I don't care" attitude and make an effort. Good clothes for this include sweatshirt-chic sweatshirts, hoodies, black-tie sweats (think Juicy Couture), and that pair of your favorite jeans. Confused smile

  2. 2
    Rock the messy-sexy hair look. A mussed-up bun is great, and it hides the fact that your hair is unwashed! Flirt-female

  3. 3
    Stick to the basics for makeup: concealer, eyeliner, and lip gloss. This is all you need because with the concealer your skin will look even, with the eyeliner your eyes will stand out and not get lost in your face, and the lip gloss will just make your lips look good.
    Nerd smile


    • Although some weekends you'll want to be casual, on others maybe you'll want to experiment a little fashion-wise. You can take more fashion risks on the weekends and not worry as much as you would if you were at school or work.

    • Don't spend too much time on hair or makeup; weekends are for relaxing! The minimalist look can still be cute.
    • When applying eyeliner, apply it right along your lower lash line and inside the upper lash line. Although minimalist, this makes your eyes stand out in the best way possible so that they won't get lost in your face.
    • A popular look is to have a tight-ish T-shirt and some (ripped) comfy, old, slightly baggy jeans. Add straightened, messy hair.
    Red rose


    • Never look sloppy just because it's the weekend. You never know who you might run into! Party smile

    editThings You'll Need

    • Casual-comfy clothes
    • Concealer
    • Eyeliner
    • Lip gloss 

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